Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve hunt at Eagle Bluffs

Bryan Kovar and I went with a couple guys from Bryan's church, Justin and Will. This was Justin's first time duck hunting. I'm glad to say he shot his first duck on our watch, and ended the day with 3 ducks. I'm very proud to say this is the third time this year I've assisted someone in shooting there first duck.

Here is a picture of Justin and his first duck.

Merry Christmas from the Shoot'em Boys!

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Straight Killer!

Dec 3

Here is "Lil' Tutt" (Jason Tutt) with the birds he shot on the 3rd. Lil' Tutt is in his apprenticeship with the Shoot'em Boys... We've got pretty high standards.

Can you throw a dog a bone?!?!

Can a guy get some kick back somewhere? Federal Ammunition, Toxic Calls, Winchester, Remington. Can someone send us some free stuff? LOL

On a side note here's my limit from Grandpass on December 3rd.